Game Shows Wiki

The Jeopardy bumper card had many looks over the years, until the debut of the Sushi Bar set in November 1996.


This is what is usually seen on the game board until the third season.

These are the actual screenshots of the images shown above.

Blue on Blue[]

Blue with Silver Letters[]

Blue with Diamonds[]

Blue Diamond on Gray Background with Pink Letters[]

Gray Grid with Blue Letters[]

Green on Orange Diagonal[]

Pink with Orange Line[]

Burgundy with White Line[]

Red & Pink[]

Grey Checkers with Red Letters[]

Blue to Aqua[]

Blue with Burgundy Bottom[]

Blue on Gray[]

Blue with White Star[]

NOTE: resembles the title card for the future Season 19.

Purple to Blue[]

NOTE: resembles the title card for the future Season 24.

Tan with White Line[]

Red with Purple Bottom[]

NOTE: Resembles the title card for the future Season 28.

Little Rainbow[]

Red, White & Blue[]

Gray & Pink Checkers[]

Pink on Gray[]

Red on Light[]

Shrunken Letters[]

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Curved Letters[]

Used for a short period but continued to be used for tournaments until the end of season 8.


In the final year of the 1985-1991 set, Jeopardy! would appear on a box on a circle. The logo can be compared to a vintage Nissan logo.

Triangle Title Cards[]

From the Grid Set[]

In the intro starting in the 2nd year of the grid set, while the globe could be seen on the board on camera, it switched to the bumper card as the contestants made their entrance. As Alex made his entrance, the bumper card would "morph" into individual cards into the monitors.

In the 1st year, a portrait of Alex was on the board and would morph into the monitors as he made his entrance, then fade into the logo (either the globe or the tournament logo). For Double Jeopardy!, the card would morph into the monitors as the dollar amounts popped into the screens.

Glass Panes
Dark Blue Grid
Marble (A)
Marble (B)
Rough Wall
1992 Tournament of Champions
1993 College Championship
1993 Seniors Tournament
Celebrity Jeopardy!, with White Text
Celebrity Jeopardy!, with Red Text

Copyright Cards[]

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Logos from 1996 & Beyond[]

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